SWEOR provides a very in depth eye-opening article regarding website stats documented in 2020. 27 Eye-Opening Website Statistics Updated for 2020 In the article they talk about best practices and essential user behaviors to take into consideration when creating or updating your website.

Having a website in 2020 is a key element in running your business at full force. However just having a website isn’t enough, poorly designed websites can hurt your users experience and result in doing less business. There are so many things that you can do to your website and it doesn’t necessarily have to be complex or over the top.

If you are looking into getting a new website or even updating your existing website, here are the top things to focus on;

Keep it simple

Majority of visitors will visit your website with a goal set in mind such as they want to find your store hours or location, they want to purchase services or place orders, or perhaps they want to learn more about your business and your services. The easier the process is for them  to achieve that goal the better experience they will have and resulting in a higher visitor return rate.

Make it relevant and appealing

Visitors like to see an attractive website, something that is appealing to the eyes. The design and flow of your website is important to the users experience. Again a poorly designed website can do more harm than good.


Now this has two factors, you want to accessible in the sense that the majority of people accessing the internet are using mobile devices so you need to make sure that your website is accessible on all major devices such as desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones. They should be able to operate and navigate your website easily and hassle free.

The second factor is your website should be accessible to those with disabilities, this means being ADA compliant. There are 61 million adults with disabilities in the United States. That means that if your website isn’t accessible to them your losing out on potential clients and also at risk of a lawsuit against your business. And no one wants that.

Speed & Security

Nowadays speed & security mean everything. Studies show that if your website takes longer than 3 seconds to load it is more likely to be abandoned by visitors.

Making sure that your website has proper security measures such as an SSL ensures your users that any information that is entered on your website will be encrypted and protected.

When designing or updating your own website these are the key things you need to look at before scaling your website and being investing money on SEO & marketing. If your website is poorly designed and managed then it’s like pouring water into a bucket fool of holes you’ll never be able to retain what you poor into it.